It's been a while since I posted anything, so figure I better play catch-up. I've done some awesome swap projects lately, which means I've gotten to make awesome things, and haven't had to keep them in my house! Yay! So, we'll start with the piece-de-resistance... the Jedi Robe:
I felt like the world's biggest dork posing as a Jedi, but the robe itself is awesome. I made it for Rob in Canada for an 80's movie swap... more on the 80's movie (sci-fi nerdiness) later.
Next though, is my favorite thing I've made in a long time. I did an Angel package for Liz of 80's cartoon stuff. I still had lots of supplies left over from making Dani's package, and, frankly, I love 80's cartoons. So, the best thing in the world today is....
It's a Jem headband! I did the Jem lettering in shrinky-dink! It turned out amazingly well. I then did 2 clear coats of nail polish over the top. In the future, it would be better to use spray sealant, but I didn't have any, so I was just very careful to try and avoid the sharpie-bleed effect. I love it and was a little sad to see it go, but I know Liz is going to love it as she had all kinds of fascinator headbands on her Pinterest.
Next, again, a bit out of my usual comfort zone, was an ice cream cozy. Liz had mentioned that she wanted one, so I whipped up a quick one using some random orange and black scrap yarn that I had laying around. I used orange and black because she has a Garfield collection, and I had decided to do a Garfield applique on the front:
I was totally psyched with how awesome this came out!
Now, back to the 80's movies. I did two other things for Rob, besides the awesome Jedi robe. First, was the silliest crocheted item I've ever made...
If you've never seen Aliens (as I hadn't, so I needed to do some research), this is a Facehugger. I put wires in it's legs and tail so that it will cling to things. Great party trick!
Finally, probably my favorite thing I made for this swap were the Star Trek magnets:
They are cross-stitched on heavy plastic to give them stability. I did a ton of research and sketching to get the insignia's correct for
The Original Series and I used metallic thread... never again will I use metallic thread. It's the worst thing in the world. But, the magnets turned out amazingly well.
Anyway, that's the craftiness I've been up to lately. I'll be having a big announcement coming and the tone of my posts will likely be taking a turn for the very different, but you'll have to wait another month or so for that! :)